The use of VR in diverse fields in recent years has become more commonplace. A large body of studies has used VR in various areas, including construction management , military training , journalism , Geography , and weld training as a way to engage and stimulate students, decrease time to achieve skill mastery, cut down material usage, and improve final performance outcomes. Recently, A number of studies find its potential for mathematics and geometry education. Hannes et al discussed the application of construct 3D (a three-dimensional geometric construction tool based on the collaborative augmented reality system) in mathematics and geometry learning at high school as well as university level. Results show that the use of Construct 3D is easy to learn and encourages experimentation with geometric constructions .They also presented a system that uses collaborative augmented reality as a medium for teaching and uses 3D dynamic geometry to facilitate mathematics and geometry education in high school . Yeh designed a prototype VR learning environment (VRLE) named VR Math for learning 3D geometry.Click Here
Judging from the current situation above mentioned, most researchers explored VR application in education and teaching. The research objects mainly focus on vocational education, adult continuing education and higher education. Indeed, VR technology is one of the important tools which provides a good reference to our research. This paper presents a practical VRapplication for primary school mathematics class. A typical case on how to integrate VR technology into primary class in an immersive learning setting is contributed. We expect to enrich VR teaching application in primary field by exploring the existing application cases of VR teaching.
A few projects have been launched for teaching CT in formal education settings. Results showed that students can learn and gain their own learning experiences through coding activities, such as modeling/simulation, robotics, and game design . Abstraction takes place in the learning as students design robots to react to interactions and conditions that may be happened in reality. For example, in iCODE , middle and high school students had to complete robotics projects from programmable flashing lamps to self-controlled robots. In GUTS , middle school students used the process of abstraction to decompose real-world problems into smaller problems that could be implemented using agent based modeling tools. For example, in an epidemiology class, students can discover whether a disease can be spread throughout their school population. Other examples can also be found in for the integration of coding education in high school sectors. View More