Traffic Squad : Penalty Collection & management based Android App - Codeshoppy
Traffic Squad is an app which helps the police as well as the police by means of time and efficiency. With the increasing importance of corruption has become major factor to be considered as a result the number of vehicles and the rapid development of population are growing in our everyday life. Existing system makes the use of pen and paper that is a challans that are given to the offender on breaking the traffic rules. As the system consist of paperwork the papers are mostly gets damaged or tempered. Due to this hard time for RTO office to maintain the proper records. During patrolling if an offender commits a crime and is caught it is difficult to find out if the license is fake or real and in the same manner it is difficult for common people to find out if the officer who is pretending to be anofficial authority is fake or real one. There are many cases where the user runs away after being caught and the police person can’t take the appropriate action on the offender. Even there are many cases where the vehicles possess fake number plate and the police officers can’t recognize it. So to overcome this loophole in the existing system we have proposed a new system to help us to solve the issues. Since the proposed framework is digitalized and android based, it will serve as handier instrument and helpful option implies for traffic. And android application is provided to traffic police to retrieve vehicle information, fine details. Codeshoppy
Module Description
View Challan
User can view the challan details once they login to the system.
View Case Filed
User can view the case field into their account.
Police will update the rules about traffic into the system.
Create Case – Upload Proof Photos
Police will create a case by the upload of photo proofs.
Manage – Live information of traffic report – New updates
Police can manage the Live information of traffic report and also the New updates
Manage Police Login
Admin can manage login details of Police
(Creating area ,street,city)
Admin can create Area, Street and City details.
View Daily Report
Admin can view the daily reports of the entire system.