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iTour : Mobile app for Tourism City using bootstrap responsive design


The main objective of the project is to develop a system that provides information regarding the places, hotels, transports. Any news, information, advertisements, displayed on this website reaches millions of potential customers. This project is mainly beneficial for the tourist’s having no idea about the places they want to visit. By providing a geographic based information system the tourists and people shifting to new cities can get a better guidance of the places they want to visit.


In the present system a customer has to approach various agencies to find details of places and to book tickets. This often requires a lot of time and effort. A customer may not get the desired information from these offices and often the customer may be misguided. It is tedious for a customer to plan a particular journey and have it executed properly


The proposed system is a web based application and maintains a centralized repository of all related information. The system allows one to easily access the relevant information and make necessary travel arrangements. Users can decide about places they want to visit and make bookings online for travel and accommodation.

Software Requriments

Front End: HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap

Back End: PHP, MYSQL

Control End: Angular Java Script

Tool: Android SDK, Xampp, Eclipse

097906 75343

Citys Buliding Vattipillayar Ulllur, Srinagar Colony, Kumbakonam, Tamil Nadu 612001, India

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