It might have happened so many times that you or someone yours need doctors help immediately, but they are not available due to some reason. This system provides medical suggestions for patients on any time either by go green medicines or by consulting the doctor through online. So we hereby make a application for patients and from that they can easily undergoes treatment. The user who is needing for doctor’s help at their home can consult doctors easily. It also saves the time of the user. Smarth Health Care – Like GO GREEN And ALLOPATHIC
Software Requirements: – Front End: HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap Back End: PHP, MYSQL Control End: Angular Java Script
Android Tools: IDE: Android Studio Android Emulator XAMPP 7.4 – 64 bit
PHP Tools: XAMPP 7.4 – 64 bit
It is impossible for many persons to visit doctor at any time. In that case the web application we developed may help peoples to seek doctor’s help at required time, getting appointment from doctor and paying the bill online. It is not necessary for all the patients to take Allopathic medicines; they can also get the natural treatment from the developing Web Application.Hospital Appoinment Booking and Patient Prescription Application
This system help the patient to get organ quickly whenever required.
Patient does not have to wait in queue to visit the doctor.
This system saves time of both doctor and patient.
The system also helps to search for the hospitals available depending on the disease entered by the user
Doctors get more clients online.
System Modules:
Post Doctor Details
Post Treatment Details
View Payment Details
Search Doctor Details
Search Treatment Details
Post Payment Details
Module Description
Login Module
The main activities in the application are the user login page for user. The other modules are followed by this login page. This module records only user and password of the user.
Registration Module Hospital Management System for Doctor and Patient
Another main function of our proposed system is registration, in order to register with the unique application details such as name; password, email, place and time are required.
1.Post Doctor Details
Admin can only post doctor details like Name, Category, and Specialist and so on.
2.Post Treatment Details
Admin can only post treatment details. Like
Go Green
3.View Payment Details
Admin can only view payment details. Like
Appointment date & time
1.Search Doctor Details
User can searches doctor details like Name, Category, and Specialist and so on.
2.Search Treatment Details
User can search treatment details. Like
Go Green
3.Post Payment Details
User can post payment details. Like
Appointment date & time