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Smart Secwity Device for Women Based on Using Raspberry Pi-codeshoppy

Writer's picture: Code ShoppyCode Shoppy

In today’s world, the major questionin every everything [5]. Becauseof social reputation and prestige, the girl's mlnd is abouther securlty and safety. A few yearsback, a victim’sfamilyjust decline whatwas happened with their girl. woman hst to go f0r the convivial system tsocial media) t Sometiws the family members want to protest but they can’t protest and warn about sexual harassment famd their self. A reportshows that 51% have to experience sexual harassment unwillingly. The percentage turned to 66% 38% and 35% for the public places,workplace end at their homerespectively. At first the cases handling by the policeare a major issuebut there have some bothemtions like not knowing the vlctim’s exact location, not knowingsurely the crime occurredat all, and then lack evidence, pollce stops investigation. This paper is focused on a new IoT based evidence-collecting device to ensure women's safety and security. This system consists of a Raspberry pi, buzzer,and camera; flex sensor,GSM, and GPS modules ln a combined way. Womencan uie thiscompact device with their undergarments easily and comfortably.(readmore)

Is that easy for a sexuallyhanssed woman or girl to be stable on termial meotaiconditionas like as before?So, lack of evidence tk victim doesn’t get justice, just because she can’t explain what was exacfly happened to her at that moment [7]. That is the present situation of our society. because of increasing crimes like sexual harassment, mpe, and so on, theyare being scaredto go out of the home. In this 2lst century, though technology is mpidly increasing along with the developttieut of mw gadgets,women and girlsare facing many problems everywhere [8]. With the development of the woñd, women are adorning their positions in many high offices like parliament, barlk, school, cohege university, aixi many other grant plaoes, they are also preparing themselves for every challenge in modem society but the prime thought hauntingeach of them getting the freedom to stepon the at day or night without worrying about their security [9].security [1]. When it’s a question aboutwomen's safety and security they will get no appropriate answer to it, they just have sonic insecurity and unwanted situation to face [2].They are suffering fromall those incidents regularly. Even girls are not safe in their living place, in their room at all because of sexual harassment (3]. A woman or evena little girl is not secure in this dirty society, sometimes they are forcefully being harassed by any of their relatives or other outsiders continuously without saying anythingto him {4].The victim of sexual hanssment is the most helpless person in this society because after being sexually hanssed her own family denies to take her responsibility and oveipassMoreover, the lack of data to find out tne statistical graph is insufficieni ant proper steps may have tampered against this hanssineot [10].

An efficient automatic operating security device using Raspberry pt, flex sensor for turning on the devioe by the activity of lniman hand,a buzzerfor instant alarm,camera for capturing the scenario, GPS arxt GSM module for tracking the location and sending SMS.



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