On Road Vehicle Breakdown Assistance (ORVBA) is going to be a good solution for the people who seek help in the remote locations with mechanical issues of their vehicle. Users of the On Road Vehicle Breakdown Assistance will be the registered public and they be getting connected with the particular mechanic through the trustworthy On Road Vehicle Breakdown Assistance (ORVBA) system. Because only the legally and approved mechanics are enlisted in the On Road Vehicle Breakdown Assistance (ORVBA) system. Also they are under monitoring.android app ideas for students college project
In an existing system there are users who have their own mechanic database which is very minimal. And also they have no idea if their vehicles are broke down or had any mechanical issue in remote locations or any long distant locations from their known mechanic shops. Users with the contacts of people at the particular place may look for a help from them only if they are ready to do.android mini project topics
It is not possible to find out the suitable mechanic for the desired service at remote locations. The only way they have is to look for any other transportation at the time of issue and then they need to get a mechanic to the particular location at which they have left their vehicle.
Here the users of On Road Vehicle Breakdown Assistance (ORVBA) system can search for list of mechanic at any location or the nearby locations which will help them in an unexpected situations raised by the mechanical issues of their vehicles. Only the licensed mechanics can get listed here while the search. Road assistance for car And there are available mechanic who can come and repair the mechanical issues in the users vehicle. mca project topics