Nowadays, websites are not only be accessed by computers with a large screen. They were mostly accessed via mobile devices such as tablets and smartphones that relatively have smaller screen size. Almost every website has their different style and visual appearance concerning content and information delivery. Even though they were visually looked different, they were mostly designed and developed by using one of one column, two columns, or three columns layout. The way to properly deliver content and information on a smaller screen size becomes a challenging matter. Responsive Web Design approach allows a single web page to be differently visualized based on the screen size of the accessing device. Such layout changing may affect the amount of information to be displayed on the screen, hence affecting the effectiveness and efficiency of information delivery in a web page. This study compares the effectiveness and efficiency of a web page that is being displayed on a computer screen, tablet, and smartphones. How the implementation of Materials Design Guidelines and User-Centered Design approaches in the design process may affect the effectiveness and efficiency of content and information delivery of a web page on smaller screens were also evaluated and presented. This research shows that User Centered Design and Material Design Guidelines improve the effectiveness and efficiency of content delivery on both tablet and smartphone. Materials Design Guidelines provide better usability improvement than User Centered Design approach for the smartphone screen regarding content delivery efficiency for web pages designed in three columns layout. Arms10 - Android
Since its introduction in 2011, responsive design has offered flexibility to adapt UI of a single website to handle different resolution range so that user on different devices can experience the same expected website design by using the HTML5 and CSS3 technologies . A web page design is considered to be responsive if it uses these three points: a flexible grid, flexible images and media, and media queries. By using media queries, website designers can define certain resolution ranges as conditions to use certain CSS definitions called fixed breakpoints . That way, the designer can match which CSS definition will be applied to a given resolution that will create a better visual experienced for the website users. Top 10 Android Projects
Nowadays, delivering contents and information towards a wider range of users and handheld devices become a primary need in businesses. They treat mobile devices to differentiate, improve customer satisfaction, and engage more users towards them. Simple, innovative, and intuitive applications or tools yields to an enjoyable flexibility and increased productivity. Many people are using the Web and Internet to get almost on everything they need, e.g., news, product reviews, cooking recipes, and the like. But today, people are also using the Web to book hotels and flights on their future vacation plan or even buy and sell goods making the Web as a marketplace. They tend to access information and application on the Web by using whatever device they might have. It was ranging from a big and bulky desktop computer, laptop, tablet, to smaller mobile devices.