This paper proposes a knowledge-based model that can be used digitally via a smartphone application to service the vehicle rental system in Malaysia called EZGO. EZGO is a website that allows consumers to look for vehicles such as cars, bikes and rental vans that can have the most satisfactory outcome and avoid the rejection of unavailable car rental by providing substitute vehicles that are close to the needs of the customer. Our research reveals the analysis and comparison of the problems faced in the general car rental system for the search mechanism and identifies the value of the rental car. The project implemented an agile approach for the design and development of mobile apps, developed UML diagrams for the car rental system, and performed a survey of prospective customers using questionnaires. This smartphone application is particularly relevant in Malaysia as it offers an alternative option for Malaysian drivers and drivers to provide personal transportation without the need to purchase and own for themselves.
Humans' everyday lives have changed over the last few decades. The development of information technology and the Internet has contributed to broad access to information. Technology plays a vital role in changing the way people do their business. All of them is searching for rental cars. Traditionally, if anyone wants to locate a car rental service, they can call the rental service manager by phone (if any) and go to the store to search the vehicles directly . In the latest trend, this method can be accomplished with only a few mobile taps. Information technology will help you get accurate information about available car types, pricing, milestone age, and even contact the store manager. Information technology itself is improving exponentially. From the age of desktop apps to online applications, a growing number of people are now switching to smartphone applications. According to an article entitled "Mobile Marketing Statistic Compilation" by Sapuan, in 2012, there were more smartphone apps than laptop users worldwide . Mobile apps are advantageous because they can be run anywhere . The use of information technology in vehicle rental applications has existed prior to this study. However, there is still a number of limitations from the existing online vehicle rental system. To this day, limitations such as type of vehicles and area of coverage have yet to solve.(read more)

Car rental is a method of using a vehicle that can be used lawfully with a fee for a period of time. Renting a ride helps people drive around especially though they don't have keys to a car of their own or a car of their own. The person who wants to borrow the car must first contact the car rental company. This can be achieved online. This person must have some details at this stage, such as rental dates and model of car. After these details have been collected, a valid Identity Card must be given to the person who leases the vehicle .
Online car rental system would make it much easier for the owner of the business to manage the company . A range of built-in modules have been introduced, including car history, engine and component information, insurance registration and expiry details, vehicle inspection and check-in details, vehicle service details, payment details etc. Admin may also be expected to review the records of its customers and vendors as well as their payment system and status information along with the date and time. Customers using the system for the first time would need to create a profile if they rent a car and use the right payment form .