This research is investigating the claim that Change Data Capture (CDC) technologies capture data changes in real-time. Based on theory, our hypothesis states that real-time CDC is not achievable with traditional approaches (log scanning, triggers and timestamps). Traditional approaches to CDC require a resource to be polled, which prevents true real-time CDC. We propose an approach to CDC that encapsulates the data source with a set of web services. These web services will propagate the changes to the targets and eliminate the need for polling. Additionally we propose a framework for CDC technologies that allow changes to flow from source to target. This paper discusses current CDC technologies and presents the theory about why they are unable to deliver changes in real-time. Following, we discuss our web service approach to CDC and accompanying framework, explaining how they can produce real-time CDC. The paper concludes with a discussion on the research required to investigate the real-time capabilities of CDC technologies
One of the goals of real-time CDC is to propagate thechanges through the system without interruption. Moreover,an ideal CDC system will automatically allow changes toflow from the source system to interested target systems. Toattain this flow, it is imperative that the CDC tool knowswhere to deliver the changed data to. One way of doing thisis to hard code the target destinations into the CDC tool. Amore flexible system will freely allow targets to be addedand removed when required.
Obviously there can be multiple target destinations forthe changed data, and it is likely that each destination willrequire different changed data. An intelligent CDC systemwill know what data to deliver to each of the interested targetsystems. This feature is seldom implemented
Therefore, we propose a framework for a CDC systembased on web service technology. Our framework willprovide the foundation for a CDC architecture that canautomatically allow targets to subscribe to changes and alsoallow the changes to be filtered to tailor each targets datarequirements.
WSDE is incorporated in the frame-work described in Section III. There are a set of servicesdefining operations that apply to the database schema and ageneric service that will supply generic operations to readand write data to the database. When change data is sentto the database it can simultaneously be passed on to thepublish web service. By using web services, the data passedbetween services will be in SOAP packages. With XMLbeing the format for SOAP the XQuery filters passed intothe publish service by the subscribed targets can be applieddirectly to the body of the SOAP packages, allowing thedata to be filtered for each target.