To test our algorithms, we created the test environment in such a way that the devices undergoing the test will be in memory crunch state. We plan to take average readings of all the launch times as a measure for comparison [8]. Three Galaxy S5 phones, test devices, were put to the above mentioned testing environment. Device1 had the basic stock ROM (Android 5.0.2), Device2 had custom ROM with DSPO changes and Device3 had custom ROM with DCA changes.Firstly, the devices are flashed with the required binaries. Secondly, options such as stay awake, user debugging and allow mock locations are enabled. Thirdly, the device is loaded with 100 installed applications, 3000 contacts, 1000 messages and 7 GB of data which includes 3 GB of images, 2.5 GB of mp3 music and 1.5 GB of videos. Google, Facebook and Twitter profiles accounts are set up. After that, debug level is set to mid. In addition, as a precondition for the test, many applications are opened randomly so that enough RAM is consumed to make the device sluggish.Now few more applications are opened and their launch time is recorded. Some applications are opened more than others for the purpose of making them frequently used. Some applications apart from those whose launch time is recorded are opened to consume more RAM and make the device sluggish.
Most users are expected to have some favorite applications which they keep on re-launching. For the solution proposed in Fig. 2, we target on improving the launch time of such 4 most frequently used applications. We keep these 4 most important applications to be always running in the background. A stack of frequently used applications is maintained which is created through learning the user’s usage. These four applications keeps getting updated according to the change in the usage of the user after every half an hour when phone is left in idle state for a little while. Mostly the update happens when the phone is kept in idle state to lower the overhead. These applications are then launched and kept at the background killing them only as a last resort. When the stack is updated, the application that gets removed from the stack becomes normal application running at the background just like others. Another advantage of DCA algorithm over DSPO algorithm is that since the boot complete it keeps basic 4 applications opened. As those basic applications are already opened, user can see a good amount of performance improvement in launch of those 4 applications after boot.
As algorithm of DSPO comes with more overhead than the algorithm of DCA, there are times when DCA also gives comparably good results when taken for more number of applications. Therefore, as precieved by user, either of the algorithm when used in the device gives better result than the device with stock OS algorithm. VII.CONCLUSIONIn this paper, we have proposed two new algorithms to enhance the existing application killing algorithm of the low memory killer in android smartphones. Thereby, decreasing the app launch time and improving the performance of the android smartphones, especially in the memory crunch situation. The experimental setup positively demonstrates that with our proposed new algorithms, the devices are performing better, enhancing the end user’s experience.ACKNOWLEDGMENT The work is technically supported by Mr. Mahammadrafi Maniyar. Also, we would like to mention and express our sincere thanks to Mr. Rajib Basu and Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. for providing the necessary platform and giving continuous support for the work.