ndroid Manifest is an XML file that is the root of the project source set. It describes the essential information about the app and the Android build tools, the Android Operating System, and Google Play. It contains the permission that an app might need in order to perform a specific task. It also contains the Hardware and the Software features of the app, which determines the compatibility of an app on the Play Store. It also includes special activities like services, broadcast receiver, content providers, package name, etc.
Java Folder: The JAVA folder consists of the java files that are required to perform the background task of the app. It consists of the functionality of the buttons, calculation, storing, variables, toast(small popup message), programming function, etc. The number of these files depends upon the type of activities created. Lastest MCA Projects Topics Titles Ideas 2022 2023
Resource Folder: The res or Resource folder consists of the various resources that are used in the app. This consists of sub-folders like drawable, layout, mipmap, raw, and values. The drawable consists of the images. The layout consists of the XML files that define the user interface layout. These are stored in res.layout and are accessed as R.layout class. The raw consists of the Resources files like audio files or music files, etc. These are accessed through R.raw.filename. values are used to store the hardcoded
strings(considered safe to store string values) values, integers, and colors. It consists of various other directories like:
R.array :arrays.xml for resource arrays
R.integer : integers.xml for resource integers
R.bool : bools.xml for resource boolean
R.color :colors.xml for color values
R.string : strings.xml for string values
R.dimen : dimens.xml for dimension values
R.style : styles.xml for styles Mca Projects Topics 2022 2023
Gradle Files: Gradle is an advanced toolkit, which is used to manage the build process, that allows defining the flexible custom build configurations. Each build configuration can define its own set of code and resources while reusing the parts common to all versions of your app. The Android plugin for Gradle works with the build toolkit to provide processes and configurable settings that are specific to building and testing Android applications. Gradle and the Android plugin run independently of Android Studio. This means that you can build your Android apps from within Android Studio. The flexibility of the Android build system enables you to perform custom build configurations without modifying your app’s core source files. Web Application Project Ideas For Students 2022 2023