The JAVA folder consists of the java files that are required to perform the background task of the app. It consists of the functionality of the buttons, calculation, storing, variables, toast(small popup message), programming function, etc. The number of these files depends upon the type of activities created. Mca Final Year Projects 2022 2023
There is a trend in Thai education that many students prefer having an extra class. However, private tutors have to pay a fee in a high price to recommendation agencies in order to find students. For this reason, we have designed and developed a system called “FindMyTutor” on the Android operating system for students and tutors for free of charge. This system includes essential functions for recommendation agency program such as class scheduling calendar, web board community, and personal message. Moreover, we also equip additional functions that are very useful and have never existed in other applications such as tutor's personal introduction video and matching function for tutors and students based on their location, gender, rating, and age.Android Projects Ideas Titles 2022 2023
The res or Resource folder consists of the various resources that are used in the app. This consists of sub-folders like drawable, layout, mipmap, raw, and values. The drawable consists of the images. The layout consists of the XML files that define the user interface layout. These are stored in res.layout and are accessed as R.layout class. The raw consists of the Resources files like audio files or music files, etc. These are accessed through R.raw.filename. values are used to store the hardcoded strings(considered safe to store string values) values, integers, and colors. Android Project with Source Code for Students
android project used for acquiring information about particular city's hotels, restaurants, historical places, etc. It will also provide the current location of the user. This application will also be used by travelling agencies to manage their customer trips, acquire information, etc. This application will provide notepad to add important task to do. It will also provide help center to the user to chat with administrator to solve the queries. Travel Portal application is based on the idea that travelers rely on other traveler reviews to plan their trips. This project Travel Portal helps build strong web enabled solutions that are customized to the needs of individual customers; turnkey solutions for travel agencies and intermediaries, airlines, hotels and transportation companies.